Well its that time of year again!! DOI craziness has began.
Tour tickets came out in the last few days. Hope you were able to get the tickets you wanted! Loving hearing the excitement of you #TnDWorldFans as you talk about the tour. Sounds like its going to be an amazing tour! I even hear that Jayne and Chris are presenting the tour! Don't fear Jayne and Chris will still skating their routines like always! Follow @DOILIVETOUR for all the information you need to know about the tour and like the page on facebook http://www.facebook.com/dancingonicetour. Loving the new look for the tour! Wondering if it is a hint of what's to come with the show?
Chris is officially back in the UK this week as the lead up to DOI begins... Him and Jayne have been very busy doing radio and TV interview to promote the DVD and the tour. Really must they did a lot interviews on radio in one day! Going for a record guys? lol.
Here is a picture of Jayne and Chris with Christine (new host of DOI) after their interview on Daybreak. Pretty exciting.
Can't help myself got to add this pic! These two make me smile so much! Chris really seemed of liked rapping on tour!
This week Jayne helped open the rink at Somerset House! Looking amazing as always out there on the ice!
Looks so magical! Speaking of Somerset House Ice rink. Jayne and Chris were there today doing something for Text Santa! Text Santa is a new show from ITV to help raise money for people in need this Christmas season! http://www.itv.com/textsanta/ The link will explain it to you more!
Thanks @Emma_TND!! |
This week we also go little hello from Jess, Jayne's 5 year old girl. She was playing with her mummy's phone and sent this picture. Not that we knew it was her when it was tweeted. Jayne ended up realising what happened a bit later after wondering what us fans were talking about and I don't think Jess will be playing with Mummy's phone again!
So lots of hard work and fun times ahead for our favourite skating pair!
See you next week!
Kim x
P.S Hope I didn't miss anything! So much happening!
P.P.S The studio rink is going down!!
Phillip (Schofield) posted this saying "Just got this pic from a mate at Elstree studios, with the words "water on, it begins" #dancingonice2012"
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